home designer
home designer


Home Designer Pro

HomeDesignerProautomaticallygeneratesfullyeditableframingincludingjoists,rafters,trusses,beams,posts,andmore.Choosefrommultipleframingtypes ...

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在App Store 上的「Home Designer」

相容性. iPhone: 需要iOS 12.0 或以上版本。 iPad: 需要iPadOS 12.0 或以上版本。 iPod touch: 需要iOS 12.0 或以上版本。

在Mac App Store 上的「Home Designer - Architecture」

您想快速輕鬆地創建3D 平面圖,甚至可以使用現代家具進行設置嗎? 那麼您已經找到了與Home Designer - Architecture 完全匹配的軟件。 只需單擊幾下,您就可以快速創建 ...

Home Designer - Architecture - 在Windows 上下載並安裝

系統需求 ; 適用平台: 電腦, 手機, Surface Hub ; OS: Windows 10 版本10240.0 或更高版本 ; DirectX: 版本10 (最小值), 未指定(建議使用) ; 鍵盤: 整合式鍵盤(最小值), 未指定 ...


HomeByMe allows you to create your floor plans in 2D and furnish your home in 3D, while expressing your decoration style.

Planner 5D: House Design Software

Draw a floor plan and create a 3D home design in 10 minutes using our all-in-one AI-powered home design software. Visualize your design with realistic 4K ...

Ashampoo® Home Design 8

評分 4.4 (135) Ashampoo® Home Design 8 - Ashampoo Home Design 是一款3D 家居設計軟體,可讓您在PC 上構思和佈置未來的家。 許多物件可以協助您進行室內裝飾,並且您可以在3D 中瀏覽 ...

Home Designer Software for DIY

Chief Architect Software is a leading developer and publisher of 3D home design software for architects, builders, designers and DIY home enthusiasts.

Home Designer

DIY home design, interior design and remodeling software from the creators of Chief Architect. Create floorplans and visualize in 3D. Home Design & Remodeling · Pro · Compare Products · Download Trial Version

Home Designer Pro

Home Designer Pro automatically generates fully editable framing including joists, rafters, trusses, beams, posts, and more. Choose from multiple framing types ...


Design your dream home in 3D. An easy and time-saving online interior design tool for both professionals and amateurs.


相容性.iPhone:需要iOS12.0或以上版本。iPad:需要iPadOS12.0或以上版本。iPodtouch:需要iOS12.0或以上版本。,您想快速輕鬆地創建3D平面圖,甚至可以使用現代家具進行設置嗎?那麼您已經找到了與HomeDesigner-Architecture完全匹配的軟件。只需單擊幾下,您就可以快速創建 ...,系統需求;適用平台:電腦,手機,SurfaceHub;OS:Windows10版本10240.0或更高版本;DirectX:版本10(最小值),未指定(建議使用);鍵盤:整合式鍵盤(最小值),未...